Manufacturer’s Data Reports Creation, Submission and Management

The COMPRESS Forms feature simplifies the creation, submission and management of ASME Manufacturer’s Data Reports and NBIC Repair and Alteration Forms. It’s not uncommon for vessels to have multiple shell courses, 35 or more nozzles and flanges all of which need to be properly documented. COMPRESS speeds up this error prone task by transferring design information from the COMPRESS model directly to the selected ASME form. Form defaults can be set up so that your company information only needs to be entered once. A convenient forms update check makes the latest form layouts available without having to wait for a general software update as well. Note that the COMPRESS Forms feature does not involve the use of a separate “module” or program like MS Excel as is the case with other software.

ASME and National Board Forms Supported by COMPRESS

Manufacturer’s Data Report Forms U-1 and U-1A

Manufacturer’s Partial Data Report Forms U-2 and U-2A (ASME rules require that these be attached to a U-1 or U-1A Form)

Manufacturer’s Certificate Of Compliance Form U-3A (for vessels subject to the size and inspection requirements of ASME VIII, U-1(j) to be stamped “UM”)

Manufacturer’s Data Report Supplementary Sheet Form U-4 (typically used for vessels with many nozzles)

Manufacturer’s Data Report Supplementary Sheet Form U-5 for shell-and-tube heat exchangers Manufacturer’s Data Report Form A-1 (as required by ASME VIII-2) Manufacturer’s Partial Data Report Form A-2 (as required by ASME VIII-2) National Board Inspection Code Report of Repair Form R-1 National Board Inspection Code Report of Alteration Form R-2

Send ASME Forms to the National Board Electronically

COMPRESS includes forms management for archiving forms and supporting documentation. In addition, it can transmit your completed forms to the National Board electronically. This saves time and takes advantage of the National Board’s lower electronic filing fees.

The COMPRESS Manufacturer's Data Report and National Board defaults dialog remembers your information

COMPRESS Automatically Fills Out Nozzle Details on U-1A and U-4 Forms

How To Create Manufacturer’s Data Reports With COMPRESS

COMPRESS Pressure Vessel Design Highlights

Nozzles Pressure vessel nozzlesNozzles Simplify the detailing of nozzle attachments with flexible and intuitive nozzle design capabilities. FEAFinite Element Analysis The heat exchanger option now includes built-in Finite Element Analysis (FEA) for TEMA Flanged and Flued Expansion joints. Finite Element Analysis in COMPRESS RingsVacuum Rings Drag-and-drop vacuum rings and quickly see how the external pressure rating changes. Vacuum Rings in COMPRESS Quick DesignQuick Design Speed up the process of pressure vessel modeling with Quick Design mode. COMPRESS Quick Design Mode ProductivityProductivity Software packages like COMPRESS exist to increase productivity and save Engineering hours. Heat ExchangerHeat Exchanger Perform ASME UHX and TEMA calculations and transfer these designs to your estimating and drafting departments. Heat Exchanger designed in COMPRESS Div 2Division II Many companies use the alternative rules of Division 2 because of the cost savings, versus Division 1. Division 2 option in COMPRESS MDMTMDMT Rules of UCS-66 The rules of UCS-66 guard against vessel failure by brittle fracture, a low probability high consequence event. MDMT Rules of UCS-66 Ext PressureExternal Pressure Design Simplify the complexity of
UG-28 rules for external pressure of 15psig and greater. Jacketed VesselsJacketed Vessels Design both conventional and half pipe jacketed vessels as a standard feature in COMPRESS. Vessel WizardVessel Wizard The Vessel Wizard speeds pressure vessel design by creating complete pressure vessel models with minimal input. CosterCOSTER Import files from COMPRESS and create user customizable pressure vessel cost estimates in spreadsheet format. Bill of Materials generated from COSTER FlangeFlange Design Create optimized Appendix 2/ASME B16.5/16.47 flange designs with minimal time and effort. Flange design in COMPRESS Weld SeamWeld Seams Designers can visually confirm good practices such as staggered longitudinal seams. Weld seam wizard in COMPRESS Lifting RiggingLifting & Rigging Use an accurate weight, the correct center of gravity, and apply the actual section properties. Lifting mechanics in COMPRESS 3D CADModeling + Drawings The Codeware Interface includes Drafter 3D, a feature that auto-generates 2D pressure vessel drawings. Drafter 3D from Codeware CWI SW Model True SOLIDWORKS models created automatically from the Codeware InterfaceTrue SOLIDWORKS Models Sketches, operations and drawings can be manipulated as if the model had been created manually in SOLIDWORKS. Related CodesRelated Codes COMPRESS implements a wide range of related engineering methods, codes and standards. COMPRESS includes related engineering methods, codes, and standards Design ModeDesign Mode Save time by reducing the trial and error iterations that would otherwise be required when designing pressure vessels. Design mode in COMPRESS Rating ModeRating (Analysis) Mode The COMPRESS Rating Mode takes your design and determines the vessel’s MAWP, MAEP and MDMT. Rating mode in COMPRESS HydrotestHydrotest Performing hydrotest stress calculations in the design stage prevents equipment damage during hydrotesting. Hydrotesting in COMPRESS HillsideHillside Nozzle COMPRESS saves time by calculating chord openings and governing planes of reinforcement automatically. Hillside Nozzle design in COMPRESS ASME CodesASME Editions Older ASME Codes are retained in all COMPRESS releases so you can always use the latest software. 2023 ASME VIII Code Edition in COMPRESS NLLAutomatic Liquid Levels COMPRESS eliminates the need to manually calculate each vessel component’s liquid static head. Automatic Liquid Levels in COMPRESS LoadsGlobal External Loads The Loads Menu allows designers to easily consider global external loads when sizing pressure vessel supports. External Loads in COMPRESS Clips and LugsClips and Lugs Designers can quickly include the mechanical effects of pressure vessel internals and attachments in their designs. Clips and Lugs designed in COMPRESS StackedStacked Vessels Certain industrial processes require pressure vessels with multiple chambers operating under different design conditions. Multi chamber pressure vessels in COMPRESS CC 2695Appendix 46 Produce more economical Div 1 pressure vessel designs with increased accuracy from the Div 2 design by rule equations. Appendix 46 in COMPRESS Data ReportsManufacturer's Data Reports Simplify the creation, submission and management of ASME Manufacturer’s Data Reports and NBIC Repair and Alteration Forms. ASME Manufacturer Skirt OpeningsSupport Skirt Openings Specify piping connections to vertical vessels that require additional piping and openings cut out of the support skirt. Support Skirt Openings in COMPRESS Foundation LoadsFoundation Loads Summary Break down the loads for the specified vessel operating conditions including weight, wind, seismic, and vortex shedding. Foundation Loads Summary in COMPRESS ShippingShipping Saddles Shipping Saddles in COMPRESSCOMPRESS provides a shipping saddle option based on the industry standard Zick Analysis. UG 80 and 81UG-80 and UG-81 COMPRESS automatically provides out-of-roundness tolerances that must be maintained during pressure vessel fabrication. UG-80 and UG-81 design in COMPRESS NameplateNameplate Design Every pressure vessel is required by Code to have a nameplate. COMPRESS handles this by including a convenient nameplate option. Nameplate design in COMPRESS FatigueFatigue Screening Quickly enter fatigue data and make performing VIII-2 or Appendix 46 Fatigue Assessments simple. Fatigue Screening in COMPRESS WRC 537WRC 537 Nozzle Loads Check stresses on nozzles using WRC 107 and WRC 537 stress analysis for spherical and cylindrical shells. WRC 537 Nozzle Loads in COMPRESS


COMPRESS, Productivity and the Other Guys.


Software packages like COMPRESS exist to increase productivity and save Engineering hours.

Heat Exchanger Option

Add heat exchanger functionality to COMPRESS.

Heat Exchanger Option

Perform ASME UHX and TEMA calculations and transfers these designs to your estimating and drafting departments.