The IHSS Career Pathways Program is an exciting new program that provides training to enhance IHSS provider skills and improve the quality of care for IHSS recipients. Career Pathways Program participants also have access to free coaching services to help navigate the learning system and maximize their training opportunities.

Agency Updates


IHSS Covid-19 Updates

Adult and Aging Services (AAS) lobby is now open to the general public at a limited capacity (27 maximum). We want to keep you and those you care for safe, so masks are required. We remain committed to meeting your IHSS needs by phone, video conference and online as well.

Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) is now available to all IHSS recipients and providers in the AAS lobby up until supplies run out.

In-Home Supportive Services

The In-Home Supportive Services (IHSS) program is designed to provide assistance to older adults and individuals with disabilities, who without this care, would be unable to remain safely in their home.

Existing Recipients and Providers:

Below you can find more information on receiving care, providing care, and additional support provided through the Public Authority.